The Complete Win at Barbu
The Complete Win at Barbu
Barbu is a relatively new card game, which originated I France approximately seventy years ago. Barbu was modernized by the legendary Italian “Blue” Bridge Tam during the early 1960s. As its popularity spread among the European Bridge community, it was only a matter of time before Barbu came to the United States. The Internet is also helping to popularize this fun and exciting card game. In this book, Joe Andrews teaches players of all levels the finer points of the game. You will learn:
-The eight different contracts or games
-How to choose the best contract for each deal
-Play of the hand- offense and defense
-Variations of the game, including 3-handed
-The technique of counting and discarding
This book contains plenty go illustrative hands and play by play examples of each contract.
Joe Andrews is the author of four “Complete Win At” Card Games Books (Spades, Hearts, Bid Whist, and Euchre) and has played card games competitively for the past 30 years.